In case of loosing keys you can never be sure that keys were lost, since there is always a risk that the keys were stolen! If you lost your key, we advise you to change the lock to reduce risk of possible burglary.
No! Our experts do their job very carefully, without any damage to the door. Usually damage is done the lock / cylinder, which will become unusable and will need to be replaced by a new one.
In 90% of all cases the lock is drilled, lock picks are not used since they take more time and significantly increase costs of service.
During metal door restoration the existing locks are changed to newer and more modern locks, and a new decorative film is put on the door. Doors are visually refreshed and security level is increased, however soundproofing and heat insulation levels remain the same. Metal door restoration is an opportunity to restore the door you already have, however if our clients are able to afford to replace their doors with new ones, we recommend choosing new certified SKYDAS metal doors, which will ensure high level of security, soundproofing and heat insulation.
We agree on a day and time with the client, the door is removed in the morning and taken to our workshop. Door is dismantled by removing or cutting away (if the door cannot be dismantled) the sheet of metal to access and remove currently installed locks. New locks are installed, door is assembled and covered with a new decorative PVC film from both sides. We return the restored door to the client and install it. The client receives keys to the new door.
On average the process takes 6-8 hours. If the door to be restored is the only door and there is no any other option to lock the premises, the client must plan to remain at home for the whole day.